We all hesitate when we speak and we all forget words from time to time. What is more, we are not walking dictionaries, therefore there are words we don't know. And this is how it works, speaking a language doesn't mean knowing all its words. It's all about communication, getting your message across. For this reason, if you don't know a word in English, it's not big deal, you have to live with this amount of "not knowing things" and try to look for strategies to express what you want to say. In this case you just have to paraphrase the word you don't know.
You already know how to paraphrase in your own language, when you don't know or don't remember a word you try to explain its meaning using other words. Well, this is what you have to do in English as well, even in your speaking test!! If you don't know a word, don't panick, it's ok, try to find other words to explain its meaning.
Imagine you want to say your husband is a doctor, but you've forgotten the word "doctor". You can say he works in a hospital or that his job is similar to that of a nurse, etc.
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